Patch notes
Please share your feedback in the Light Nite subreddit about this patch.

⚡ Hey light niters,
We are aware that still some players are having issues with the Easy Anti-Cheat installation. We need to wait for the EAC update (handled by Epic Games).
In this patch we fixed a lot of bugs and the Hospital map glitch.
We are now focusing in the new User Interface while we are still working on missions. We can't wait to show you what is upon us.
See you in the next patch notes!
Here are the patch notes:
- New starting loading background
- New custom Easy Anti-Cheat screen
- When there is any error causing the prize pool of a game failed to be created or checked-out, all players in game should be informed with detailed reason: please send us your logs if you didn't receive rewards so we can investigate more this issue
Bugs fixes
- Safe zone circle shrink to somewhere in the ocean
- Jump animation loop when you hold jump button
- Battle Royale map fixes
- Hospital map window
For bug reports please go to
Please share your feedback in the Light Nite subreddit about this patch.