Ask Elixir - Episode 1

May 27th, 2022
Welcome to Ask Elixir
This is our first episode with some questions that you asked on Discord and especially on Reddit.
Please send us more questions. Certainly other players are having the same doubts! And this is how we know how much you care about Light Nite.

As you know, the withdrawals' system has been reworked and is available again since the 23rd of May, 2022.
On this occasion we released a blog post with all the information that you need to know. Make sure to have a look at it:
Now, some users wonder the reason behind this change. The withdrawals' requirements have simply changed because we want our community to stick around and be active in Light Nite!
Also, we know that some of you believe that it takes too much time to level up in the Battle Pass to be able to withdraw your sats. We've taken it into account and the Battle Pass will be adjusted accordingly.
Mark Diego "One Strike", Product Manager

We believe that they are different reasons like a lack of rewards, an unattractive model, or not enough gameplay.
As we already announced, some bots have been implemented to the game. It enables players to play whatever the time. This is only temporary, we're currently setting some marketing plans and we're positive that more players will reach our community.
Carlos Roldan "whiteyhat", CEO of Satoshi's Games

When controllers/gamepads will be fixed?
We made a small fix this patch but we will be following it if any issue comes up. The players that play with controllers would still be in disadvantage against players with mouse and keyboard even if the controllers were fixed.
Mark Diego "One Strike", Product Manager